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Glamour for our skills

With Endwalker coming “soon” I can’t help but it is simple to know what for White Mages we will have Dia II and Glare II coming rather than…

Is it time to change Blue Mage?

Blue Mage has always been one of those jobs within the Final Fantasy series that I have never enjoyed and that isn’t much different within Final Fantasy XIV…

When to step down as a leader

As of the writing of this article, I am the leader of the free company on Moogle known as The Nirvana Company and the raid leader for a…

Carry on, Carry on.

With the expansion now over we come to the end of the Save the Queen storyline for now and with it, I believe it is time to discuss…

Fit for a Queen

At last, the end of the relic quest line is here and with it the final grind of Shadowbringers and that I am still disappointing that the final…

Shine Bright

With the end of Shadowbringers now passed, it brings the final extreme trial for the weapon series and that is the Diamond Weapon. Just like the other fights,…

Deus et Machina

With the release of the new patch comes the final part of the Nier cross over and I am going to try and be impartial with this opinion….

Paglth’an Dungeon

Long have the sweeping plains of Paglth’an been home to the nomadic Amalj’aa. Though the herding of livestock keeps them constantly on the move, the permanent settlement of…

Quick to Judge

For anyone that has read between the lines with Life in Eorzea’s articles, I do enjoy the relic quest and I do like an actual grind but there…