Category: RaidsPage 1 of 3

Divine Revelry

The Twelve, Eorzea’s guardian deities, seek to fulfill their enigmatic aspirations, and for this they claim they must engage in battle with men. Continuing your efforts to uncover…

Gaze of the Abyss

Once again we are travelling back to Pandæmonium after being alerted that something may be happening there with the understanding that Lahabrea may be doing something immortal within…

Divine Intervention

In the course of investigating the legendary phantom realm on behalf of the Students of Baldesion, you have encountered four mysterious beings who claim to be of the…

Could be worst

Pandæmonium is the raid tier for Endwalker and came in the 6.01 patch and this raid tier is meant to be original content rather than a crossover with…


Just as warriors temper their spirits in battle, so too does the wandering minstrel hone his craft through colorful retellings of heroic deeds. His rendition of your triumph…

Deus et Machina

With the release of the new patch comes the final part of the Nier cross over and I am going to try and be impartial with this opinion….

Paradise within Thee

With the latest patch, we get the ending of the Eden storyline which ends the Final Fantasy VIII themed raid tier. From here one there are spoilers so…

Uncanny Valley

Having put an unceremonious end to Komra’s carnival with their incomprehensibly advanced weaponry, 2P’s cohort of white-garbed androids retreats into the crater from whence they came. Though they…

Trouble in Paradise

We return once again to Eden with the goal to rebalance aether in the empty but this time Gaia is with us with the hopes in recovering her…