I have noticed I have not written a primal post in quite some time and although I doubt I will go back here my point of view on the latest extreme trial as of posting – The Wreath of Snakes.
For those that may have forgotten but Seiryu is the last of the four lords which the Warrior of Light has to calm down although the story does end with a hint there is more yet to come.
The Wreath of Snakes (HM)

Unlike in the past with primals I am not going to be writing a mini-guide but I will speak about a few different headers about the fight. I will be keeping this format up so hopefully I can get a lot more content out!
Overall the style of this fight mostly relies on having visual clues in order to decide what to do. The first major example is the in and out that you have to watch for that does not rely on a cast bar.
The fight itself is pretty simple and easy to do but this is what you would expect from a story mode primal.
The background for this fight honestly is pretty bland but there is not a lot you can expect from this. After a certain point in the fight you do get a tiny bit of swimming but its pretty
While I am not a big fan of the music for the Four Lords I can’t complain as it does fit in with the fight.
The Wreath of Snakes (Extreme)

Just like the story version of this fight, the style of this fight mostly relies on having visual clues in order to decide what to do. The first major example is the in and out that you have to watch for that does not rely on a cast bar.
This primal is also the first that follows the “awoken” system that appeared in Ultima Weapon Ultimate that once it changes certain skills will then upgrade and other stuff will happen with it such as the in and out will always follow back to back and so on.
Overall the fight is okay in that regards as it does give you enough warning time to be able to spot what is happening next as long as you are watching around you what is going on. The problem however with this is the fight is very easy for an extreme primal and when I entered this with my brother we pretty much two-shotted it.
The rest such as the music, background and so on is the same as the story mode. Overall I did enjoy the extreme fight but it was far to simple for my taste.
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