With 2.45 about to go live within just a couple of minutes, I thought it would be worth making a post from the Thryus, to what soon will become the Nirvana!

So here is the Thryus so far.

Location the broken Thryus in U’Ghamaro Mines.

  1. Crafted the Whispering Rod and melded materia.
  2. Defeated Chimera to get some Alumina Salt.
  3. Obtained the Amdapor Glyph from Amdapor Keep.
  4. Took the Interview with a Padjal to Gerolt.
  5. Defeated 8x Quarrymen, Bedesmen, Priests.
  6. Defeated the Hydra with the unfinished Thyrus.
  7. Defeated Ifrit HM.
  8. Defeated Garuda HM.
  9. Defeated Titan HM.
  10. Obtained Radz-at-Han Quenching Oil and upgraded to Thyrus Zenith.
  11. Collected 12 atmas from FATEs to upgrade to Thyrus Atma.
  12. Completed 9 books to upgrade to Thyrus Animus.
  13. Collected Alexandrites to meld materia to upgrade to Thyrus Novus.
  14. Spirit bonded (or Soul Gazed) with my Thyrus to get the Thyrus Nexus.
  15. And that is just about everything so far!


And … the Nirvana is mine! Overall I didn’t mind this relic quest although I did hate the RNG involved but not a lot I can do regarding that. Overall it seems the hardest part was actually crafting the items – thankfully Casca helped a lot with that!

Would also like to thanks Lux and Ryu for farming the items with me and for the free company Forest Owls for the fishing!

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